waxing with the moon

Sometimes it is hard to look on the bright side of things, sometimes I get a bit down and start thinking about all the challenges I face and forgetting how truly great my life is!  Especially when my family is going through uncertainty and change, especially when that is layered on a lack of sleep.  And a moon reaching for full tends to affect my sleep in a big way!  So this week there have been some hard moments….

…but yesterday I found (made) some time to go for a walk in the sun with a friend. We strolled along the sea and waded in to the refreshing water.  Toes on white shells, water sparkling with tiny fish, and so many birds soaring overhead.  I felt lighter as we chatted and shared our woes (as well as our blessings).  Lighter and with it came a brightening.  Yesterday I also found (made) time to do some painting.  This image of an eagle and a full moon is coming to light on the canvas, waxing like the nearly full moon that has been disturbing my sleep this week.  After yesterday I feel that I too am waxing like the moon…brightening…

Here’s hoping that I can keep finding this shift in perspective when I need it.  Maybe the full moon can become a beacon to remind me to lighten up (rather than something that usually just gets blamed for sleep issues).  It really is all about perspective….

moon and eagle in progresseagle moon in progress

making Christmas cards

I love this time of year, the early days of preparing for the holidays when we have lots of ideas and lots of time to make them happen (or so we think).  The kids have already designed and created their linocut Christmas card designs and have been hand printing all week (wait til you see the neon pink!) and I have been getting the itch to make my own cards.  But I have lent the lino cutting stuff to another family and so I am trying my hand at something new.

Peace is something I have been yearning more and more for these days, on the Earth and in my heart.  After a week of bright moonlit skies, this image seems to call to me.   So I added some digital text to a painting that I think is perfect for sending holiday greetings from the west coast. Now I need your help in deciding which design I should get printed. Please tell me which one is your favourite…

peace on earth scriptpeace on earth scratchpeace on earth  lightpeace on earth card large peace

artist of the month !

Guess who is the artist of the month for September at the Old Crow Cafe here on my little island?  I am so happy to say that yours truly has filled the art wall at this fabulous and funky cafe with a bunch of new art!  The theme of the show was inspired by a commission I have been working on for ages (you have seen it before here), a piece that makes me think of summer nights and play.  It reminded me that September really is the twilight of summer and so I went with that.  I painted some more evening sparkly sky and moon pieces (oh those big bright moons this summer had us all out late didn’t they!?), added a dash of inspirational art in similar blue tones, tossed in a collage in honour of so many visitors and feasts (including a pie party), added a couple of oyster catchers (I have been inspired by them all summer and they have waited patiently for me to bring them to life on the canvas), and topped it off with a “rain meets the sea” painting in honour of that touch of much needed rain we got last week.

Et voila, THE TWILIGHT OF SUMMER is on display for all to enjoy as we enjoy these last days in the twilight of the summer of 2014.  Won’t you please drop by the Old Crow Cafe and take a peek while you enjoy some great food!?!   P.S.  I already have a few red dots, so get there soon if you want to buy something (tee hee).

IMG_7484br finally finished it!!!are you smiling yet?love this one!!beach feet 2014feast on fruits and cakes in progresssnacktimeon the wall at the OLD CROW CAFE on Gabriola Island message of the month

moon rising

moon rise tales of the ancient mariner

NOW that was a GREAT NIGHT!  A giant moon lit the way and stars sparkled alongside us sparkling artists and friends (one of my dates for the night was my amazing artist friend Tina Lynch)!  The grid of lovely art at the LOVE SQUARED show was GORGEOUS and the vibe was so very very good!  I was so HAPPY to be a part of it all and so proud of my little square of love being hung on the wall with all these incredible artists (right next to paintings by Tammy Hudgeon and Tina Lynch and Melinda Wilde…kitty corner to works by Sheila Norgate and Mia Tremblay!).  Then a bunch of us ladies went to a community dance (I picked up my eldest daughter on the way) and boy did we ever SHINE on that dance floor!

Hope you get some time to sparkle this weekend too….may I advise a little warm up at Sheila Norgate’s Keep Calm and Carry on Gallery where you can see this painting of mine shining in a room lit up by so much LOVE!

we are so good together