a dream come true

tofino cousins summer 2016

…for nine years I dreamed of this moment, to be on the shores where my sister and I played as children, with our children, all together in my favourite place on earth (and sea)! what a magical time we had in Tofino….splashing, playing in the sand, surfing, feasting and laughing together! This is truly a summer I will remember always, I hope that our kids will too….sisters in tofino

dive DEEP

What do you do when there is a heat wave? Jump in the sea of course! ….and this is certainly a mermaid summer for me and my girls.  Speaking of the sea….here’s a little peek at a painting I did for my little sister in honour of her BIG 4-0.  It is called “Dive Deep” and captures a piece of the Tofino shores where she was born and spent her early childhood.  I feel like the fourties are a time when we truly dig deeper to find our true selves.  I included a big bright moon in this piece to help shine some light on my sister through this important journey.  May we all SHINE our own true light in the coming years.

dive deep

painting Tofino

Today we sent my hubby’s French cousins off to Tofino and my allergies started to kick into high gear.  You may not see the connection, but I am yearning to jump in their rental car and join them on the wild west coast.  It is the best place for me to escape the pollens that ail me at this time of year.  At any time, it is my favourite place in the world!  Busy with kids in a musical and events to celebrate World Oceans Day, I will stay here and sneeze and perhaps find a few moments to work on this Tofino painting for my brother.  It is nearly done!  As I add campfire, tent and surfboards perhaps I will be able to transport myself in some way to the peace of the sneeze free shores I crave!
