What does the first week of home schooling look like for us? This year it looked like this……
Most days last week you would have found us at the beach….I took my camera with me to capture some of the magic. As you can see, the beach is perfect for learning. This visit included dance, writing, art, kite flying (when your kite is broken, make one with your coat), dog training, story telling, marine biology, snuggles and so much JOY! On the way home we even planned a new activity for this year’s learning plan and she started working on it right after lunch using photos from this very day (a playful scrapbook, all design and word choices are hers and I love to see how she is getting the vintage typewriter to help her out).
I love homeschooling, especially on magic days such as these. I love September, especially when the sun shines like it has been. There is a crispness in the air and a newness in our schedules that makes the coming season seem so full of possibility. Hope you too are enjoying this beauty-full time of year!
P.S. In case you are wondering where we were, this was Whalebone Beach. Of course she decided it needed a whale….