some U2 art after the concert

So last week I just happened to have tickets to the opening night of U2′s iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Tour in Vancouver.  Now that certainly seems blog post worthy!  Though I am not sure it is worth even trying to write about it….there really are no words to explain the experience adequately!  Let me just say it was AMAZING, all I had hoped it to be and even better than the last two times I saw them live (and that is saying something!!).  U2 is quite simply MY FAVOURITE BAND EVER and I love that I have loved them since high school.  How perfect that with this tour and the new album, we are transported back to Bono’s life during his own teen years.   I loved all the new songs they chose to share at the concert and they somehow choose the exact perfect compliment of older songs!  My  friend Gina and I were singing with all our heart, with our favourite band and it really did feel like we were sharing the eXPERIENCE with them (how they managed to make a crowd of 20,000 feel intimate I am not sure, but they certainly did)!  I loved too the social commentary that they highlighted during the show (another reason I think that I have loved them for so long).  And then there was the show itself, the bells and whistles that made the songs come to life with live band members interconnected within moving graphics!  Again, the words cannot describe the experience, but for a sense of the magic you might check out this link.

the whole band moved between several stages, so creative!

Bono sang his heart out for almost  two and a half hours

Needless to say, we were still singing as we walked alongside so many happy fans out on the street after the concert (and after a super SWEET encore!!).  By the time we got to our hotel only a short distance away, we were still buzzing.  There was no way we were going to sleep anytime soon.  Gina plugged in her U2 tunes and we pulled out some snacks and some art supplies and we sang some more and made some art.  Here’s some of it, quite clearly totally inspired by U2.  Whenever I look at these I smile and start humming or singing all over again.  Maybe they will get the same response from you?

my fellow U2 fan is painting up an inspired storm of U2 magicsing with us!so many lines rolling off my tongueso many great lyrics in their songs!

 P.S.   A big thank you and photo credits for the concert images in this post go to Gina — she even captured us singing with the band on video (but it somehow does not sound as good in the recording as we did live….we might have to work on that a bit before we officially join the band).

fill me up

I just finished a little piece for the second annual A Small Gesture Art Show and Fundraiser happening this weekend in Nanaimo.  If you are in the neighbourhood, please pop by Iron Oxide Art Supplies tomorrow night and Saturday to have a look.  Maybe you will find the perfect little piece of art to gift your mother (or yourself).  This painting would be perfect for someone who loves the little things.  I have included several of my favourite things in the piece — tea cup (with clear direction to be filled before anything else happens), envelopes (can you see them, from mail received), a doily (they always make me smile), aqua (the sides are painted aqua too)…and a hint of pink (a colour my girls introduced me to the joy of)…..I hope it makes you smile!

first things first, fill 'er up


be in awe

Today I am heading out to the beach to join a Young Naturalists group (kids and their parents) for some exploration and fun.  I know that they will be keen to share in the discovery that low tide brings.  I know that they will be in awe.  I know that I will hear many cries of “Look!”.  And I bet there will be laughter.  How lucky am I to have a job that invites such moments into my days!?

LOOK mary oliver P.S. this quote from Mary Oliver, so grateful for her words that leave me in awe!