oh Canada!

….my home and native land!

We had such a fantastic day yesterday, celebrating our community, our island, our country.  I drank local tea and ate local bread for breakfast, enjoyed local veggies and fruits (all red) at snack time, found time to paint, dressed in red and white with the kids and headed to the annual Gabriola Potato Cannon Contest for free cake and fun times (yes, the participants try to shoot potatoes at a neighbouring island and are judged on distance achieved with PVC pipe, hairspray & a BBQ starter).  Inspired, we returned home to light the BBQ and cook up a feast of halibut and burgers (both meats from friends) with a salad full of goodness from our garden and the local market.  We topped the meal off with the Canada Day cupcakes our friend Kea made! mmmmmmmm. As our kids giggled outside with the kids next door, I painted some more and then headed out for a walk with the wind in my hair.  We capped the night off with an outdoor house concert with so many friends, old and new.  Sam Baker, all the way from Texas, strummed and sang and we smiled clear through as we sat in our lawn chairs, nestled in the trees next to the sea. Someone lit a fire and some of us stayed on, and the stories from both sides of this continent lingered till late into the starry night.   Happy Canada Day everyone! No matter what country you are from or where you are, this day is well worth celebrating!

P.S. This last photo was taken as part of two different Photo A Day challenges that I am going to play with this month. Check them out at PosterJack and FatMumSlim.  I think it is fitting that one challenge originates in Canada and the other in Australia! Why don’t you join the fun?

P.P.S. And since I know you will ask….the necklace was made by local artist Kate Wood.  I found this “Daisy Picnic” just in time for summer, Canada Day, and the arrival of the first English Daisy to pop in our garden!  Happy Summer everyone!  

2 thoughts on “oh Canada!

  1. Loved seeing your girls AND THE COLORFUL WHIMSY ART. We re going on a world trip next year. Celebrating a posh wedding in Sydney and shall stop on the way down to break the long journey. Shall visit New Zealand and fly on to… dreamland. Wedding is on april 19, Do you want to huse sit while we are gone? Take care and remember we love you. Myrtle/Gunter

    • oh dreamy trip plans, i love to hear of your spreading your wings and hearts around! will you be able to come visit us before you leave then!!! PLEASE DO!!! we love you too!!

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