My Word for 2013

I love the process of setting an intention for the New Year, thinking on all the ways I can better focus my energy in the coming days.  Playing with words that inspire me until I come up with the one that sings to me the most.  Choosing a word, MY WORD for the coming year.  This year, after a week of uncertainty (and much considering of the usual suspects – love, joy, peace), the word that I am hearing again and again is S A V O U R.

I want to slow down, observe, linger (without getting stuck), and SAVOUR the moments in my day, savour this time in my life.  This year I will turn fourty and that seems like a milestone, it also seems like time is speeding up.  My kids are growing up faster, the days are passing more quickly and life seems to be getting busier.  By making a conscious effort to BE in each moment, I hope to slow things down a bit. At the very least, I know that savouring each moment will help me find the peace and joy I yearn for (if only in those moments of conscious intention).  One can also hope, that it will help me to slow down a bit too, to be present…..

By savouring my food I hope to eat better (and perhaps less), by savouring my time with my kids I hope to connect more deeply, have more fun and less resentment of the me-time I am not getting, similarly I hope to savour every moment of me-time I do get (and use it to its fullest). When the sun shines out in the middle of a cloudy day, I want to get outside and savour it.  After reading this fantastic book by Karen Maezen Miller, I am almost convinced that doing laundry can be enjoyed if it is savoured, so I will even give that a try!  With more certainty, I know that a day that starts with time to savour my morning cup of tea is going to be a good one.  To solidify my intention for 2013, the next chunk of time I get in my studio I will create a SAVOUR art piece (and you can bet I will be enjoying every moment I am working on it).

Dear friends, I hope that this new year provides you with the inspiration to choose your own intention (so much more juicy than a resolution don’t you think?).  For more ideas on choosing your own mantra for 2013, check out this post by Ali Edwards. There really is such big power in one little word.  What word speaks to you? Make a choice and make a wish!

P.S.  When I found this 52 Photos Project post the other day, it was another sign that “savour” is calling to me right now.  I thought you too might be interested in a weekly photo prompt to help you savour the moments (and I just realized that the Soulemama this moment project I participate in also refers to savouring the moment). I guess my art (photography) is already SAVOURing so I am on the right path! Here’s to more of the same…..

12 thoughts on “My Word for 2013

  1. Love the word choice. I never thought about summing up in a word. We (my husband and I) usually take time to make a list of goals for the year ahead, not resolutions, but goals. It works well for us, when we look back we have generally accomplished 65% to 85% of our goals for a given year. Some of those are big ones and some are small but it feels good to be able to check things off and see a result.
    I will have to spend some time today playing with and inspiration word for 2013.

    • Hi Petra, I love that intention and need to work on letting go more also (trust was another word that came to mind this year and there is much letting go of the control and trust that I need to work on also). Thanks for stopping by!

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